Journal of Neutron Research | Supporting the neutron community |
1. | Foreword C.H. de Novion Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 59-60 |
2. | Stored Energy and its Role in Recrystallization Process K. Wierzbanowski, J. Tarasiuk, B. Bacroix, K. Sztwiertnia Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 61-64 |
3. | Residual Stresses in Austeno-Ferritic Steel Neutron Diffraction and Modelling D. Gigout, A. Baczmanski, C. Ohms, A.G. Youtsos, A. Lodini Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 65-70 |
4. | NiC/Ti Supermirrors and Stress Evolution under Neutron Irradiation Kalyana N'Guy-Maréchal, Alain Menelle, Patrice Gergaud Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 71-78 |
5. | In Situ High Resolution Neutron Diffraction Study of Anisotropy and Stress Effects in Transforming CuAlZnMn Shape Memory Alloys P. Lukáš, V. Novák, P. Šittner, D. Neov Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 79-86 |
6. | Stress Measurement Using Grazing Incident Angle Scattering Geometry-Problem of Elastic Anisotropy A. Baczmanski, S.J. Skrzypek, A. Lodini Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 87-91 |
7. | Synchrotron Strain Scanning on BM16 at the ESRF P.J. Webster, D.J. Hughes, P.J. Withers, A.N. Fitch Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 93-98 |
8. | Data Evaluation Procedure for High-resolution Neutron Diffraction Methods Pavel Strunz, Petr Lukáš, Dimitar Neov Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 99-106 |
9. | Residual Stress Determination in Several MMC Samples Submitted to Different Operating Conditions G. Bruno, E. Girardin, A. Giuliani, L. Koszegi, R. Levy-Tubiana, A. Manescu, F. Rustichelli Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 107-117 |
10. | Neutron Stress Measurements in the 21st Century Aaron D. Krawitz Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 119-127 |
11. | Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Residual Stress in Sintered Automotive Components Obtained by Net-shape Forming G. Albertini, G. Annibali, F. Fiori, M. Marcantoni, E. Quadrini, F. Turquier Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 129-136 |
12. | Modelling of the Residual Stresses (Order I and II) in Metallic Parts by Finite Elements with the Self-consistent Constitutive Law P. Zattarin, P. Lipinski Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 137-141 |
13. | In Situ Neutron Diffraction Study of Stresses Generated by Shape Memory Alloys P. Šittner, P. Lukáš, V. Novák, D. Neov, M. Ceretti Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 143-150 |
14. | Proposal for a Multi-detector System for Residual Stress Measurements Chang-Hee Lee, Hae-Seop Shim, Myung-Kook Moon, Eunjoo Shin, V.T. Em Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 151-165 |
15. | Measurement of Grinding Stresses with a Combination of Neutron and X-ray Diffraction A. Bouzina, M.J. Balart, L. Edwards, M.E. Fitzpatrick Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 167-171 |
16. | Measurement of the Residual Stresses Near a Short 20° Repair in a 19 mm Thick Stainless Steel Pipe Girth Weld L. Edwards, J.R. Santisteban, V. Stelmukh, P.J. Bouchard, M.R. Daymond Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 173-180 |
17. | Determination of Steep Stress Gradients at Surfaces or Interfaces by Means of Neutron Diffraction L. Pintschovius, A. Kämpfe, B. Eigenmann, A. Wick Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 181-185 |
18. | Applied and Residual Strain/stress Measurements on a Dolomite Rock Sample Using Neutron Time-of-flight Diffraction CH. Scheffzük, K. Walther, A. Frischbutter Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 187-192 |
19. | Neutron and Synchrotron Evaluation of Residual Stresses in Coatings Adele Carradó, Jean-Michel Sprauel, Laurent Barrallier, Alain Lodini Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 193-200 |
20. | How to Choose Sample Orientations in Full Strain/Stress Tensor Determination with a Time-of-Flight Goniometer B. Ortner, J. Keckes Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 201-205 |
21. | Mechanical Characterisation of Fatigued Austenitic Stainless Steel under Applied Loads by In-situ Neutron Diffraction M.R. Daymond, J. Schreiber, YU.V. Taran Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 207-215 |
22. | Multi-scale Behaviour Modelling of an Austeno - ferritic Steel L. Mcirdi, D. Baptiste, K. Inal, J.L. Lebrun, G. Barbier Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 217-225 |
23. | Neutron Time-of-flight Diffractometric Investigation of Duplex Steel Residual Stresses R. Dos Santos, U. Tietze, H.G. Priesmeyer, V. Kudryashev Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 227-235 |
24. | Thermal Microstresses Determined Using Diffraction and Self-consistent Model A. Baczmanski, S.J. Skrzypek, K. Wierzbanowski, P. Lipinski Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 237-242 |
25. | Use of Synchrotron Radiation in the Analysis of Strains Near the Interface Between a Plasma-Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coating and a Ti-6AI-4V Substrate B. Cofino, C. Braham, P. Millet, A. Lodini Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 243-247 |
26. | Residual Strain Tensor Determination within Highly Plastically Deformed Torsion Samples Using High Energy Synchrotron Radiation R.V. Martins, U. Lienert, L. Margulies, A. Pyzalla Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 249-254 |
27. | Reverse Time-of-flight Neutron Diffraction Study of Residual Stresses in Perforator's Striker G.D. Bokuchava, A.V. Tamonov, N.R. Shamsutdinov, A.M. Balagurov, D.M. Levin Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 255-261 |
28. | Stress Measurements in Thin Zirconia Films At 300°C Using Synchrotron Radiation O. Sicardy, I. Touet, F. Rieutord, J. Eymery Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 263-272 |
29. | Sin2 Ψ Stress Measurement Method with Maintaining Probing Depth Etsuya Yanase, Konstantin Vladimirovich Zolotarev, Kozi Nishio, Yukihiro Kusumi, Kazuo Arai, Shigetomo Nakagawa Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 273-279 |
30. | Residual Stress in Weldments G.A. Webster, R.C. Wimpory Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 281-287 |
31. | The Sin2 Ψ-method in Pulsed Neutron Transmission A. Steuwer, P.J. Withers, J.R. Santisteban, L. Edwards, M.E. Fitzpatrick, M.R. Daymond, M.W. Johnson Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 289-294 |
32. | Strain Determination of An Eutectic Single Crystal Composite Al2O3/Y3Al5Ol2 (YAG) by Neutron Diffraction Techniques At Reactor and Pulsed Sources M. Ono, M. VráNa, S. Torii, T. Tayo, K. Olkawa, T. Kamiyama, Y. Waku, T. Fukunaga, K. Suzuki, P. Mikula, P. Lukáš Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 295-304 |
33. | Neutron Diffraction Measurement of Residual Stress in a Centrifugal Bowl of Duplex Steel Gianni Albertini, Ru Lin Peng, Adrian Manescu, Araldo Ponzetti Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 305-312 |
34. | Comparison of Surface and Bulk Elastic Properties Using Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction B. Lavelle, L. Vendier, L. Guiraud Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 313-317 |
35. | Influence of the Residual Stresses on the Mechanical Behavior of Advanced Composite Parts A. Cherouat, X.L. Gong, O. Sicot, J. Lu Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 319-330 |
36. | Development of Intergranular Stress of Annealed Stainless Steel Y.D. Wang, R. Lin Peng, R.L. McGreevy Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 331-336 |
37. | Incremental Hole Drilling and X-ray Diffraction Techniques to the Residual Stresses Determination Introduced by Shot Peening in Titanium Alloy G. Montay, A. Cherouat, J. Lu Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 337-344 |
38. | The d0-distribution in Al-2024 Friction Stir Welds A. Steuwer, P.J. Withers, R. Burguete Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 345-350 |
39. | Synchrotron, Neutron and Classical X-ray Measurement in An Electron Beam Welded Martensitic Steel O. Asserin, C. Braham, A. Lodini Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 351-356 |
40. | Elastic Strain Study in Quartzites Using Neutron Diffraction J.C. Guezou, M. Ceretti, T. Baudin, M.H. Mathon, R. Penelle Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 357-362 |
41. | The Study of Second-order Contamination Caused by Multiple Diffraction in a Ge(113) Monochromator B.S. Seong, E. Shin, C.H. Lee, V.T. Em, H.S. Shim Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 363-371 |
42. | Measurement and Prediction of Residual Stresses in a Titanium Metal Matrix Composite Ring J.W.L. Pang, G. Rauchs, P.J. Withers, N.W. Bonner, E.S. Twigg Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 373-379 |
43. | New Outlook of a Strain Scanner Neutron Diffractometer at the Budapest Research Reactor L. Kőszegi Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 381-384 |
44. | Scattering Experiments Under Uniaxial Stress of Modulated Phases J.-CL. Marmeggi Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 385-391 |
45. | Residual Stress Evaluation in Railway Wheel/axle E. Labbé, N. Poisson, C. Prioul, A. Lodini Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 393-397 |
46. | Comparison of Residual Stress Measurements Using Neutron and X-ray Diffraction around Cold Expanded Holes D. Stefanescu, A. Bouzina, M. Dutta, D.Q. Wang, M.E. Fitzpatrick, L. Edwards Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 399-403 |
47. | Experimental Investigation of Thermal Fatigue-induced Strain in a Tool Steel Coated With Plasma-sprayed, Stabilised Zirconia F. Turquier, V. Stanic, M. Ceretti, A. Fitch, A. Lodini, F. Rustichelli Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 405-409 |
48. | Modification of Elastic Constants Via Texture Optimisation J. Tarasiuk, K. Wierzbanowski, M. Kostrzewa, B. Peczkis Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 411-414 |
49. | In Situ Neutron Diffraction Study of Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wires upon Tensile Deformation P. Lukáš, Y. Tomota, S. Harjo, D. Neov, P. Strunz, P. Mikula Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 415-421 |
50. | POLDI - the New Time-of-flight Diffractometer at PSI for Strain-field Measurements U. Stuhr Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 423-429 |
51. | Evaluation by Neutron Diffraction Method of the Level of Stresses in Ti/SiC Bling R. Levy-Tubiana, L. Molliex, A. Lodini Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 431-434 |
52. | In-situ Analysis of the Microstrains During Tensile Deformation of an AlSi-MMC at Room Temperature and Elevated Temperature A. Pyzalla, A. Jacques, J.-P. Feiereisen, T. Buslaps, T. D'Almeida, K.-D. Liss Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 435-442 |
53. | Residual Stress Analysis in Implant Coatings Using X-ray and Neutron Diffraction Techniques P. Millet, E. Girardin, C. Braham, A. Lodini Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 443-448 |
54. | Stress Evaluation by Neutron Diffraction: Modelling of a Two-axis Spectrometer J.M. Sprauel Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 449-457 |
55. | Residual Stresses in AA6082 Shrink-fit Systems: Finite Element Calculations and Neutron Diffraction Measurements G. Albertini, M. Ceretti, G. Caglioti, F. Fiori, R. Monzani, L. Viviani Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 459-467 |
56. | The Determination of d0 without a Reference Material M.R. Daymond, M.W. Johnson Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 469-479 |
57. | Barkhausen Noise Analysis for Stress Field Evaluation on Bearing Raceway Used in Aeronautic Engine H. Carrerot, S. Desvaux, J. Gualandri, A. Lamare Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 481-488 |
58. | Measurement of Radial Strain in the Cross Section of a Railway Wheel Hoop M. Grosse, U. Stuhr, M. Ceretti, L. Köszegi Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 489-493 |
59. | Methodological Aspects of the High-energy Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Technique for Internal Stress Evaluation Alexander Wanner, David C. Dunand Journal of Neutron Research 9 (2001) pp. 495-501 |