Journal of Neutron Research | Supporting the neutron community |
1. | Spectrometer for Neutron Studies of Condensed Matter with a Pulsed Magnetic Field D. Georgiev, V.V. Nietz, T.B. Petukhova, A.P. Sirotin, G.A. Varenik, A.A. Yakovlev Journal of Neutron Research 5 (1997) pp. 109-122 |
2. | Multilayer Neutron Polarizing Mirrors Working Under a Low External Magnetic Field Less Than 100 Gausses Takeshi Kawai, Toru Ebisawa, Seiji Tasaki, Yoshiaki Eguchi, Masahiro Hino, Norio Achiwa Journal of Neutron Research 5 (1997) pp. 123-132 |
3. | Two-Axis Neutron and X-Ray Reflectivity: How to Avoid Alignment Pitfalls and How to Correct for Them Wim G. Bouwman, Martin E. Vigild, Eberhard Findeisen, Kristian Kjaer, Robert Feidenhans'l, Elisabeth A.L. Mol Journal of Neutron Research 5 (1997) pp. 133-146 |
4. | Total Cross Section Measurements with Cold Neutrons on Solid and Powder Samples and on Hydrogen Containing Compounds K. Knopf, W. Waschkowski Journal of Neutron Research 5 (1997) pp. 147-165 |
5. | Numerical Analysis of Instrumental Resolution Effects on Strain Measurements by Diffraction near Surfaces and Interfaces Torben Lorentzen Journal of Neutron Research 5 (1997) pp. 167-180 |