Journal of Neutron Research

Supporting the neutron community

Volume 10 (2002) Issue 1

1.Analytical Coarse-Mesh Method for Monoenergetic Slab-Geometry Reactor Kinetics using Neutron Diffusion Model
Esbel T. Valero Orellana, Ricardo C. Barros
Journal of Neutron Research 10 (2002) pp. 1-18
2.The Hydration Structure of Ni2+ in Aqueous Solution by Neutron Diffraction Isotope Substitution: a Case Study on the Effects of Systematic Error
Y.S. Badyal, J.M. Simonson, B.K. Annis, J.D. Londono
Journal of Neutron Research 10 (2002) pp. 19-29
3.Detector for the FSD Fourier-diffractometer Based on ZnS(Ag)/6LiF Scintillation Screen and Wavelength Shifting Fiber Readout
E.S. Kuzmin, A.M. Balagurov, G.D. Bokuchava, V.V. Zhuk, V.A. Kudryashev, A.P. Bulkin, V.A. Trounov
Journal of Neutron Research 10 (2002) pp. 31-41
4.A Reverse Time of Flight Approach to Neutron Diffraction Residual Stress Investigation on a UNI-FE510D Steel Welded Plate
G. Bruno, YU.V. Taran, G. Albertini, F. Cernuschi, F. Fiori
Journal of Neutron Research 10 (2002) pp. 43-56
5.Erratum: Methodological Aspects of the High-energy Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Technique for Internal Stress Evaluation
Alexander Wanner, David C. Dunand
Journal of Neutron Research 10 (2002) p. 57
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